For this exhibition I have gathered a selection of paintings on the theme of the blue color which is my signature.
Let yourself be invaded by the deep blue of these works which brings us to the confines of a summer night sky, or to the depths of the great oceans ...
In this way, touch the unfathomable limits of these almost inaccessible worlds.
Vibrate with the sensuality of this material, laid like a lacquer, nuanced, luminous, alive with all its shades of blue.

Champ Libre (19)
190 x 160 cm – 2012
This canvas gives off a magnificent presence thanks to these 2 joyful and free suns, done in real gold paint. They bring us to an open space, they are a window to infinity.
This work can be reproduced in a smaller format.
Sale price: € 9,000
Quantum Pax (22)
100 x 100 cm – 2020
Circles drawn with a thin brush stroke, getting the midnight blue to subtly vibrate.
Strong and fascinating delicacy.
Sale price: € 4,000

C’était écrit (8)
35 x 27 xm – 2019
Minimal writing that is enough to fill the space and leave a trace of life.
Glittering points of light.
Sale price: € 1,200

Quantum pax (6)
92 x 73 cm – 2016
Un ensemble de 3 œuvres composé de cette grande toile bleu minuit, d’une petite toile à la feuille d’or et ligne de points bleus (20×20 cm) et d’un dessin encadré appartenant à la série ci-dessous.
Sale price: € 3,200

J’ai joué avec les elfes
21 x 15 cm – 2018
Series of 20 works on Japanese paper. Simple gold signs on a blue acrylic background worked in a luminous shade. The blue is as deep as that of a sky.
Sale price: € 300 each
Poser le vent (23)
20 x 20 cm – 2015
A pleated rice paper gives the relief of this canvas and catches the light.
From the series "I come from the Mountain", 3 mountains to climb, perhaps to reach other levels?
Sale price: € 760

J’ai joué avec les elfes (33)
27 x 22 cm – 2018
A page of signs-writing, a timeless and primitive language.
Dance of life? Mind game?
Sale price: € 980

Hors champ (7)
50 x 105 cm – 2016
A camaieu of midnight blue, seizing by the force of the line of golden squares, placed at the upper limit, as if to lift us towards an almost inaccessible beyond.
All of these 3 colors and the quality of the material make it a work of captivating sensuality.
Sale price: € 2,800

Abus Pluriel (17)
100 x 100 cm – 2005
This canvas from the Atopique series evokes a starry space in a deep night.
Unless we are in the infinitely small of the gaze of a microscope placed on cellular tissue...
Sale price: € 4,000
14 x 10 cm x 8 cm – 2003
The gold points catch the light and bring a vibration to this deeply serene Buddha.
Sale price: € 550

Val d’Organdi
27 x 20 x 20cm – 2007
A work in 3D, from organdy, which plays on the limit of matter.
The lightness of the material allows to rise in space.
Sale price: € 980
For this exhibition I have gathered a selection of paintings on the theme of the blue color which is my signature.
Let yourself be invaded by the deep blue of these works which brings us to the confines of a summer night sky, or to the depths of the great oceans ...
In this way, touch the unfathomable limits of these almost inaccessible worlds.
Vibrate with the sensuality of this material, laid like a lacquer, nuanced, luminous, alive with all its shades of blue.

Champ Libre (19)
190 x 160 cm – 2012
This canvas gives off a magnificent presence thanks to these 2 joyful and free suns, done in real gold paint. They bring us to an open space, they are a window to infinity.
Ce travail existe également en format plus petit.
Sale price: € 9,000

Quantum Pax (22)
100 x 100 cm – 2020
Circles drawn with a thin brush stroke, getting the midnight blue to subtly vibrate.
Strong and fascinating delicacy.
Sale price: € 4,000

C’était écrit (8)
35 x 27 xm – 2019
Minimal writing that is enough to fill the space and leave a trace of life.
Glittering points of light.
Sale price: € 1,200

Quantum pax (6)
92 x 73 cm – 2016
Un ensemble de 3 œuvres composé de cette grande toile bleu minuit, d’une petite toile à la feuille d’or et ligne de points bleus (20×20 cm) et d’un dessin encadré appartenant à la série ci-dessous.
Sale price: € 3,200

J’ai joué avec les elfes
21 x 15 cm – 2018
Series of 20 works on Japanese paper. Simple gold signs on a blue acrylic background worked in a luminous shade. The blue is as deep as that of a sky.
Sale price: € 300 each

Poser le vent (23)
20 x 20 cm – 2015
A pleated rice paper gives the relief of this canvas and catches the light.
From the series "I come from the Mountain", 3 mountains to climb, perhaps to reach other levels?
Sale price: € 760

J’ai joué avec les elfes (33)
27 x 22 cm – 2018
A page of signs-writing, a timeless and primitive language.
Dance of life? Mind game?
Sale price: € 980

Hors champ (7)
50 x 105 cm – 2016
Una ombra de blau fosc, impressionant per la força de la línia de quadrats daurats, situat al límit superior per elevar-nos cap a un més enllà casi inaccessible.
El conjunt d’aquests 3 colors i la qualitat de la matèria li atorguen a aquesta obra una sensualitat captivadora.
Sale price: € 2,800

Abus Pluriel (17)
100 x 100 cm – 2005
Aquesta obra de la sèrie « Atopique » suggereix un espai ple d’estrelles en una nit profunda.
A moins que nous soyons dans l’infiniment petit du regard d’un microscope posé sur un tissu cellulaire…
Preu de venda: 4 000 €

14 x 10 cm x 8 cm – 2003 – 550 €
The gold points catch the light and bring a vibration to this deeply serene Buddha.

Val d’Organdi
27 x 20 x 20cm – 2007 – 980 €
A work in 3D, from organdy, which plays on the limit of matter.
The lightness of the material allows to rise in space.